Monday, April 8, 2013

Arm Candy!

In my humble opinion, accessories are what make or break an outfit. You can have on a beautiful dress or a cute top and jeans, but if you do not have the right accessories, the outfit just isn't going to pop! Which is where adorable necklaces, watches, shoes, belts and the like come into play. However, nothing is better than a good old fashioned arm party! I personally am a huge fan of oversized boyfriend watches, especially in gold tones. Here are some of my favorites:

The only problem is, these watches retail for $325 and $225, respectively. Now I don't know about you, but it would take A LOT for me to spend that much on a watch, no matter how lovely it may be. So.....TARGET TO THE RESCUE! Target has some seriously adorable watch selections, and a lot of choices at that! The best part: most of them are less than $20! Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a deal. Here are some of my favorites from their website:

How great are they?! All three can be purchased at!

Now, on to bracelets. I am an UBER fan of designer Kiel James Patrick (you might know his girlfriend, Sarah Vickers, from her fashion blog Classy Girls Wear Pearls). He makes adorable nautical arm candy, handmade by his team in Rhode Island, as well as neckwear, oxford shirts, and belts. Some of my favorites of his include:

What girl doesn't want to wear a bow tie on her wrist?! GENIUS I tell you!

I love how summery this bracelet is! 

This is sure to add some pizazz!

I just love everything about these bracelets!! They are sure to spice up your arm party any day! And also be sure to check out Kiel James Patrick's recent merger with Brooks Brothers. They have a whole other selection available there as well!

These bracelets tend to be a little pricey, but you can actually save some $$ by simply sharing your purchase on Facebook and Twitter! A pretty sweet deal! 

What are your thoughts on arm candy? Is less more or the more the merrier? I would love to hear! 

Much love, 


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