Wednesday, May 15, 2013

God's Meal: Brunch!

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry I have been MIA the past couple of weeks! Finals proved to be more time-consuming than I anticipated! But now I'm home for the summer and ready to hit the blogging grindstone once again!

I want to share my most recent obsession with you peeps. It's not the newest Kate Spade bag (though they are running a 75% OFF SALE now through the 15th!!! I'm loving this adorable gold anchor 
ring!), it's not J.Crew's spring/summer collection, it's not even Starbucks' new hazelnut macchiato (who am I kidding), it's.....BRUNCH. That's right, brunch. Breakfast + lunch. Glory defined. GOD'S MEAL. This obsession probably started last summer when my pastry chef friend started showing me around the adorable, rustic restaurants in downtown Decatur, Georgia. If you are ever in the area, you simply MUST eat at at least one, if not all, of these glorious establishments. So, spending all summer eating at these restaurants led to my discovery of eggs Benedict, and BAM. My undying love for brunch was born.

Eggs Benedict in Myrtle Beach, SC!

Reuben Eggs Benedict at The Tavern in Old Salem (Winston-Salem, NC). All of the employees dress up in traditional Moravian garb and serve up Moravian food with a twist. Absolutely delicious, and fun to boot!

My most recent brunch adventure was at the West Egg Cafe in Atlanta. Their Grasshopper Latte and Bacon and Pimento Cheese Omelet were scrumptious! 

My two best friends and I enjoy the brunch scene immensely!

Ok, so why am I telling you all about brunch? Isn't this a style blog?

Here is my reason: style is not only the clothes you wear, the activities you immerse yourself in say more about your style than the clothes you are wearing. Do nothing but drink beer and go mud-bogging, all while wearing camo? You are probably going to be pegged as a redneck (not that there is necessarily anything wrong with this, but you can decide for yourself). Do you spend all your time watching sports events, sitting at sports events, talking about sports events, or thinking about sports events? Call me crazy, but you will probably be labeled as a sports enthusiast. So what am I getting at? The activities and the lifestyle that others see you living puts a stamp on who you are as a person. Now I'm not saying that this is good, in fact in many cases it is unfortunate. But it's human nature. What a person does is who they are.

My point: part of living the preppy lifestyle is engaging in activities that are bettering society, require class, and are FUN. Brunch, my friends, is FUN. Gathering with friends around a meal is FUN. Eating good food is FUN. And this activity does not require that you do anything that would be looked down upon by anyone (sane) in society. So the next time you are picking an activity, think of what stigma that activity may put on you when others see you doing it. Remember, style is not the clothes you wear. It's the way you live your life. Choose to live it the way you wish, but strive to live it in a way that you will never regret.

Brunch spots to try:

Murphy's in Downtown ATL.

Cafe Intermezzo (also downtown ATL) for the best coffee and breakfast desserts you have ever had! In fact, their entire menu is pretty much divine!

For a light brunch in NYC, Amy's Bread has INSANE Pain au Chocolat and fresh squeezed juices, among their bajillion other types of breads and goodies.

For the best classic eggs Benedict you will ever taste, check out The Green Room in downtown Greenville, SC. Plus, their grits will make you want to slap yo' mama (I jest).

Have you had any amazing brunch experiences I need to know about?! I'm always on the hunt for a new hotspot!

Much love,


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